Economic and Geopolitical Instability Risks and Their Impact on Expectations for the Global Recreational Marine Industry

As recently as March of 2022, marine industry associations and major marine companies were euphoric about the surge in demand for recreational boats during the global pandemic and offered predictions that interest in boating and demand for boats would continue growing for years. Dealer inventories were at all-time lows if not completely non-existent. At the […]
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Recruiting key management personnel just became easier, thanks to Marine Resources

The global leisure marine sector experienced growth during the pandemic, amidst a slowdown in so many other manufacturing sectors. For a sector already struggling with a skills shortage, the problem became more acute. And now in the era of  “the Great Resignation” our sector is under more pressure  to identify AND retain knowledgeable staff.   […]
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GMBA Global Team

Online Now: EXPORT INSIGHTS online seminar series developed by MIN and GMBA

MIN Export Sessions: The third online seminar collaboration between Marine Industry News, Global Marine Business Advisors (GMBA) and PSP Logistics is now available to view. In this comprehensive session, Mr Kai Malmivaara (GMBA) takes a look at the United Arab Emirates marine market and offers insights for those wishing to explore the opportunities offered by exporting to the UAE. Malmivaara […]
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Understanding consumer behaviour basics is an essential element in the development of customer relations management (Huju J, Dammrich T, 2021) PART 1/3

Part 3/3 Kindly read Part 2 from last week before continuing with part 3 Some General Notes Today’s consumer behaviour research recognises that without thorough knowledge about the consumers’ behaviour, marketing cannot be successful. From a producer’s point of view, marketing can be deemed successful if it results in a positive decision of the consumer.  […]
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Global Marine Business Advisors is a group of 22 marine industry experienced professional, located on five continents and seventeen countries. The key focus for GMBA is to provide support for marine industry businesses across a variety of disciplines and sectors.

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