That’s the question on everyone’s mind lately. But here’s the plot twist: it’s more likely that someone who knows how to harness AI’s power to upskill and boost their efficiency will be the one to replace you.

I recently caught the closing keynote from The Superyacht Forum 2024 at METSTRADE on YouTube. The speaker? ‘Reluctant futurist’ Henry Coutinho Mason. Though I couldn’t make it in person, I’m glad I didn’t miss out.


He highlighted several fascinating trends, including how social impact has become the latest status symbol and how laboratory products are outshining their natural counterparts. His provocative question – ‘What if “fake” was seen as cleaner, more ethical and more luxurious than “all-natural”?’ – really got me thinking. While I’m on board with synthetic diamonds, I’ll admit printed meats are still a bridge too far for me.

Listening to him, I could physically feel my brain straining as I was trying to compute the implications of his many insights and theories. These include the concept that AI is a powerful tool to make us more human and a better version of ourselves, as it comes alongside us as an education and skills training partner.

The example he mentions is how Magnus Carlson, the young chess prodigy, honed his skills as a chess player by using AI as a sparring partner. He mentions the possibilities of onboard superyacht training where the crew could wear Rayban META smart glasses and an AI assistant could consistently monitor and, where necessary, correct their work. The opportunities are just endless.

He concluded with a fascinating live demonstration showing how AI can help us map out the future WE want – limited only by our imagination.

If you’re interested in understanding how AI could transform your business, I highly recommend watching this talk. As this technology rapidly evolves, insights like these become invaluable for navigating the future.