David Barrow

United Kingdom


David has accumulated a wealth of experience across diverse marine industry segments. His professional journey spans leadership roles, from serving as the Director of Sparcraft in the manufacturing sector to his impactful position as a Operations Director at Ancasta. Currently, David is focusing his expertise in B2B with Barrow International, specialising in fostering connections between manufacturers, distributors, and OEMs. In 2022, David was an integral team member in drafting the book “How To Set Up International Distribution Networks” for ICOMIA. His contribution extended further with developing an extensive database comprising 350 potential distributors for new companies to explore.

Renowned for his expansive network, David holds almost legendary status within the industry. His global connections empower him to implement solutions directly or tap into a vast network to identify those who can. David boasts a successful track record of orchestrating distribution arrangements, catapulting numerous clients like Spectra Watermakers, Wave International, and Tylaska Marine Hardware to market leadership. He possesses the acumen to provide a strategic approach for new and established businesses globally.

Additionally, David is a claims expert for insurance companies and clients, specialising in Carbon, aluminium masts, and rigging.


Business Development and Strategy
Product Service and Development

Global Marine Business Advisors is a group of 22 marine industry experienced professional, located on five continents and seventeen countries. The key focus for GMBA is to provide support for marine industry businesses across a variety of disciplines and sectors.

Niittaajankatu 6 C 78, FI-00810 Helsinki